Welcome to The Simple Nickle!

Clueless about your money? Do you want financial security, but don't know where to start?

The Simple Nickle is a free web-based program to help you easily understand and control your finances in less than 15 minutes a day! We'll guide you step-by-step; it's as easy as checking your email! We'll also give you easy-to-understand financial education starting with the most basic aspects.

About The Simple Nickle

Wouldn't it be nice if someone would just show you exactly what to do to get a grip on your money? Well, you've come to the right place! By following our program here at The Simple Nickle, you will begin to understand, control and even grow your money. It's as simple as checking your email!

When you subscribe, you will receive easy-to-complete steps for gaining control of your money, sent right to your inbox. When you finish one step, you'll get another...babysteps! Before you know it, you'll have your finances whipped into shape! Here is the full Simple Nickle program...but don't get overwhelmed! We'll do just a bit at a time!

The Simple Nickle has a mission: to educate, empower and get women DOING something about their finances!

90% of women said they feel somewhat or not at all financially secure, and more than half of women wish they had learned more about money and finance in school. What's wrong with this picture?! As women, we have all the tools and means we need to become financially saavy, but maybe we just need someone who can show us where to get started. At The Simple Nickle, you have a friend to show you exactly what you need to do in an easy, informative and even fun way.

The first financial advice most people give is 'keep track of every cent you spend for the next month!' Forget that! Who's got the time, or the patience? Instead, we focus on actions that help you control, understand, and save your money...the rest will follow! Our simple, daily steps help you make real progress with your finances. And the more you do and learn, the more you'll be able to do and learn.

The Simple Nickle is the brainchild of a stay-at-home mom who spent lots of time learning how to run her family finances, and realized that many of her friends didn't have a clue about their own! She noticed it was easier and more beneficial for other busy women to learn about these things from a friend with experience, rather than having to learn about it all themselves. And some people just need a kick in the pants to get going. Thus, The Simple Nickle was born.

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